

NEM 3.0 (Net Energy Metering) on the way! April 2023 solar owners will earn 75% less on the energy they send back to the grid! If you have solar installed prior to these changes you will be grandfathered in and save that 75%.

Be fire safe, Start protecting your home and family from wildfires

O’Hagin – Flame and Ember Resistant Ventilation

An available option for all O’Hagin attic ventilation products, this attic vent not only features all the same design, construction elements and color choices as the O’Hagin Standard Line, but also features an interior stainless-steel matrix that resists the intrusion of flames and burning embers. This patent-pending attic vent is accepted for use by many local fire officials for installation in Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) zones.

FREE ember resistant roof vent with roof replacements (up to 4 vents per home)